
Serving the Los Angeles county and Orange County in Southern California, Moscow Central School of Music (MCSM) aims to help young talents explore their musical potential and provide them with the best professional guidance and training. MCSM is committed to instilling into students the value of highest artistic standards and self-expectation. Guided by a unique and proven teaching philosophy, each student at MCSM is encouraged to explorer his or her own individuality through musical education.

莫斯科音乐学校建校17年感言 5.18.2022


只是音乐不是以金钱衡量上下及输赢,而是以演奏和教学水平—— 本校立标的原则即如此——我们以培养有一定的演奏能力、培养精神的贵族为标准的。—— 17年的事实证明:凡是我校从小就受到这种严格训练的学生,长大后几乎都考入世界各牌大学! 而且数量只有逐年增多的趋势。不仅有考入耶鲁,MIT,哥伦比亚大学,这些如雷贯耳的名校(注),还有考入著名音乐学院的学生,例如考入伊斯曼、曼哈顿、印地安那音乐学院。更有甚者被哈佛音乐系录取,却还看不上的!这些不争之事实从另一面也同时教育了我! 我们走的路是对的,因为世界是由精英组成的、如果有人愿意孩子长大后去做清洁工,或服务员,那是他们的选择,但我校是培养精英的!——在这其中,每一位妈妈都功不可没,而我校也与有荣焉!~

05年,我的第一代好学生Andrew 黄、第二代好学生Kevin 牟,他们都是从6、7岁开始学习到12岁就可以弹李斯特的“钟”,14岁可以弹狂6,并且一举拿到SYMF第一。



勃拉姆斯作曲时常听到楼上贝多芬的脚步声,何况我! 比我好的有成绩的人实在太多了,我无论怎样努力,就像高速路上的汽车,总有无数的车在我的前面,我是永远无法冲在最面的。但正如小学课本上所写,郭沫若在观泰山日出时所写的“他虽然没能看到太阳升起,但他已经走在这条路上,那就已经是成功了。”


“沉舟侧畔千帆过 “病树前头万木春!”



Teaching Methods

MCSM's teaching methods reflect the tradition of Russian music education. The same tradition has been attributed with the abundance of world class musicians from Russia in the past 150 years. Combining this tradition from Russian music schools and years of teaching experience of distinguished instructors, MCSM offers a unique teaching style that is highly effective in building up dexterity of the hands and perceptiveness of the mind.

Why we set up this Music school...

Moscow Central School of Music was founded in 2005; the school system is influenced by music school of Tchaikovsky in Moscow, Russia. Currently, there are about 600 students, more than 40 teachers, and 4 locations - at the city of Arcadia, Brea, La Puente, and San Gabriel.

In our school, we encourage students to take all different kinds of exams. It is normal that most of the students can skip 2 to 3 levels. There are even some students can advance to level 5 in one year of learning, and move to level 8 in 2.5 years*. These remarkable results are all base on focusing on high quality of technique training, and also the high quality of performing abilities.

Another extraordinary part of our school is we have high winning percentages in many music competitions. Since 2005, there are 5 students had won the first prize; in 2008, the first prize winners had increased to 17 students. In 2010, 36 students had won first prize. In 2011, 38 students had won first prize. We are not only focusing all the competitions in United States, we are even reaching out overseas to such places as China and international competitions,such as San Jose International Russian piano competition and L.A Young Musician Competition International.Including the AFAF in New York (for the first winner who has an opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall, and usually 8-10 students are sent to perform); Glendale Piano Competition (The first prize which is Mcgaughey Platinum in 2010 and 2011 were both from our school); SYMF, CAEA, Liszt and more.

Whether we are taking exams, or participating in competitions, these are types of competitions in life, if we can't change the system of competition in USA, we'd better be the one who wins.

The process of learning music, sometimes is not only about passing an exam or wining a competition; the most important thing is to gain the benefit of learning patience while learning music, work hard, and to increase self-confidence. These are the important values of learning music. When we get to know the great music from many amazing musicians, we can find the beauty, love, and honesty through their music. This is the essence of music.

In the past 6 years, we have proven that our education method is very effective. At this time, our school has become the most professional music school in Los Angeles area. All our teachers, and students, will work together as a team, to make it even better. We've set our goals, and do our best to reach those goals. Also, we welcome everyone who loves music to join us to build a better life for our future.

--- Piano Teacher Leo W

* Please watch Tony Zhang's video.



热烈祝贺王安祺Angel Wang 被特别允许在老柴的家里彈当年老柴的钢琴。并且他在老柴家的露天剧场演出纪念老柴的音乐会。另外王安祺第二季最后一埸音乐会是与莫期科大剧院乐团合作在老柴音乐厅举办。

Congratulations to Angel Wang for being specially permitted to play Tchaikovsky's piano at Tchaikovsky's home. Additionally, he performed at the commemorative concert for Tchaikovsky at the open-air theater at Tchaikovsky's home. Furthermore, Angel Wang's last concert of the second season was held at Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in collaboration with the Moscow Grand Theater Orchestra.


热烈祝贺王安祺在全世界最难的柴可夫斯基 17届国际钢琴大赛上荣获第二名的好成绩——1958年刘诗昆第二 ;62年殷承宗第二,王安祺是全中国几十亿人口中 事隔六十一年第三人获此殊荣!现在才大学二年级 。他是洛杉矶莫斯科音乐学校王校长的大儿子!王校长的妈妈也是中国老前辈钢琴家,王校长的太太也是钢琴家 来LA前曾在柴可夫斯基音乐学院任教。一家三代四人的百年奋斗史 终有所成 可歌可泣!热列祝贺!

Warm congratulations to Angel Wang for winning second place in the world's most difficult 17th Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition ! Liu Shikun was second in 1958 and Yin Chengzong was second in 1962. Angel Wang is one of the billions of people in China __Sixty-one years later, the third person received this honor! He is student__ second year of conservatory now. He is the eldest son of Principal Wang of the Moscow Music School in Los Angeles! Principal Wang’s mother is also a senior pianist in China, and Principal Wang’s wife is also a pianist. She taught at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music before coming to LA. The century-old struggle history of three generations and four members of a family has finally achieved something touching! Congratulations!

Announcement for Holidays

According to the tradition of our school since its establishment 18 years ago: Teacher Wang will post the names of all students who come to school on December 24-25, December 31 and January 1 every year on the school website. Even if there is only one student in class, Teacher Wang will definitely come! This is one of the reasons why students from our school often win awards in various competitions! They are: (12.24) Zachary Cheng; Chloe Wang. And December 25: Roice Huang and Marcus Huang. May the Lord remember their hard work.


继两周前的我校学生在Satori得7个第一和7个第二后 ,SYMF至今公布的结果是:

Johnny Ye PO3__ #1

Ryan Chen PQ54__#1

Sean Pan PQ55__#1

Marcus Huang PQ20__#1

Chloe Wang PQCn1 __#1 , PQC1—#2

Angela Yao PQC7__#2 , PQCn1__#2

Zachary Cheng PQC8__#3

Louis Ye PQC7__#3

其中Marcus 黄今年四项第一;

Sean Pan 和 Johnny Ye今年各兩项第一。

各人总结经验 再接再励!

Angela王和Nicholas 吳因故缺席

SYMF Competition Results

After the students of our school got 7 firsts and 7 seconds in Satori two weeks ago, the results announced by SYMF so far are:

Johnny Ye PO3__ #1

Ryan Chen PQ54__#1

Sean Pan PQ55__#1

Marcus Huang PQ20__#1

Chloe WangPQCn1__#1,PQC1—#2

Angela Yao PQC7__#2 , PQCn1__#2

Zachary Cheng PQC8__#3

Louis Ye PQC7__#3

Among them, Marcus Huang won four first prizes this year;

Sean Pan and Johnny Ye have two firsts each this year.

Everyone sums up their experience and make persistent efforts!

Angela Wang and Nicholas Wu are absent for some reason


Profile of Angel S. Wang

Angel Stanislav Wang, a pianist, was born in 2003 into a deeply artistic and musical family in Los Angeles, USA. He started learning piano with his mother at the age of five, and by ten, he was studying abroad in Moscow. He is currently a second-year student at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, at the age of 20, under the tutelage of the renowned Professor Natalia. Trull.

Before winning the second place (Silver Medal) at the 17th International Tchaikovsky Competition in 2023, he had already won many international competitions in Russia, Europe, and the United States, and successfully held solo concerts at renowned concert halls in Russia, Europe, and the United States. He has also collaborated with several renowned orchestras, including the Mariinsky Theatre Symphony Orchestra in St. Petersburg and the Evgeny Svetlanov National Symphony Orchestra in Moscow. The conductors he has worked with include Valery Gergiev; Alexey, Rubin, and Artyom Marsh, among other famous conductors. He has also made significant contributions to music festivals and large-scale charity events around the world, such as the Rheingau Music Festival in Germany and the Lifeline Charity Foundation in Russia.

In response to a reporter's question, "Were there any contestants in this competition that surprised the judges?" The chairman of the Tchaikovsky competition, Mazuev (DM), answered: "Angel Stanislav Wang. I had heard his recordings several times before. His second round Liszt Sonata was a revelation to me." This is high praise for the 20-year-old Angel Wang.

Angel S.Wang简介

王安祺(Angel Stanislav Wang)钢琴家


他在勇夺2023年第17届国际柴可夫斯基大赛第二名(银牌)之前,已在俄、欧、美多项国际大赛中夺魁,并在俄、欧、美各著名音乐厅举办成功的个人独奏音乐会。他更与俄、欧、美多个著名交响乐团成功合作,包括圣彼得堡的马林斯基剧院管弦乐团和莫斯科“叶夫根尼·斯维特拉科夫”国家交响乐团等。与他合作过的指挥家包括瓦列里·捷吉耶夫;阿列克谢,鲁宾和阿尔乔姆. 马尔舍等著名指挥。他亦积极对世界各地的音乐节和大型慈善活动貢献出自己年青的力量,包括德国的莱因高音乐节和俄罗斯的生命线慈善基金会等。

在回答记者提问:“本届比赛中是否有参赛者令评委感到惊叹?”柴赛的主席马祖耶夫(DM)答道:“Angel Stanislav Wang。我之前听过他几次演奏的录音。他第二轮的李斯特奏鸣曲对我来说是一个启示。” 这是一句对20岁的王安祺来讲极高的评价


The youth of Moscow Music School are incredible! Piano students never fail to achieve success in prestigious universities and educational settings.

Below is a list of students' admittance into prestigious schools and universities. Congratulations to them, and of course to their father and mother, for they are the real heros! May everyone unite to pursue their goals and accomplish new achievements!


Nicole Lam - Attends Yale Unviersity (with Academic Scholarship)

William Liu - Attends Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sherry Xu - Accepted to Harvard University

Claire Lin - Attends Brown University

James Qian - Attends Peabody Conservatory

Angela Chen - Attends Webb High School

Yiyi Ouyang - Attends Webb High School

William and Sabrina Liu - Attend Harvard Westlake

Austin Qiu - Studies Cranial Neurology at UCLA

Jimmy Luo - Accepted to Harvard University, Attended Northwestern University, now teaching at Moscow Music School

Phyllis Pan - Accepted with Full Scholarships to Eastman Conservatory of Music and Jacobs School of Music

The qualities acquired from studying piano contributed greatly to their educational success!

Most recently, our school's student Michael Wang won the John Hopkins University Lifetime Math Award. At only 15 years old, he is modest and courteous young man who has been studying piano along with his sister from their childhood. Michael and his sister Angela Wang have both achieved outstanding results in piano competitions.

Annual Concert POSTPONED

Due to the recent CoVid-19 Disease, Moscow Music School has decided to postpone its 15th Anniversary Concert to December 2020. Thank you for your understanding.

New Vice Principal

Please welcome Dr. Kevin Shi Yin as our new Moscow Music School Vice Principal. Taught by a first place Van Cliburn competition winner, Dr. Shi Yin has been teaching at the Eastman School of Music for 20 years. We are lucky to have him join our Moscow Music community!


Total Awards

2015: 53 First Prizes

2009-2014: 36 First Prizes EACH Year

2005: 5 First Prizes

June 2019
New article about our recent Europe Performance Tour! Visit the ARTICLES section for more information.
January 2019
Congratulations on the excellent results achieved in China (Boao) Piano Art Festival hosted in Hainan. After the festival’s careful review, 600 contestants were chosen to compete in the finals, where the US only had 6 contestants. Of the 6, two were from our school, Moscow Music School of Los Angeles. Outstanding pianist Ian Park and Hanbo Xu won the gold medals (out of 6) and were subsequently invited to the winners’ concert before all 600 contestants. The judges were all of high caliber, with renowned Chinese pianists Huiqiao Bao, Shucheng Shi, Zhaoxu Duan, etc; in addition, European renowned pianist and Donizetti Conservatory Chair, Prof. Marco Giovanetti, Russian renowned pianist and educator Prof. Ekaterina Alekseevna Murina, etc. were adjudicators.

中國(博鰲)鋼琴藝術節暨優秀青少年鋼琴藝術盛典 近日在海南省舉行,本次音樂節經各省市選拔後,最後六百位選手進行總決賽,美國方面共六人參賽,其中只有洛杉磯莫斯科音樂學校優秀學生Ian Park和徐漢博榮獲金獎並獲邀在六百多參賽者面前表演(共六人獲邀)。總決賽的評委陣容強大,除了中國著名鋼琴家 鮑蕙蕎、石叔誠、段召旭等,還有來自歐美的著名鋼琴家Donizetti高等音樂學院院長 Marco Giovanetti、俄羅斯著名鋼琴演奏家教育家Ekaterina Alekseevna Murina教授等。

January 28, 2018
1月28日,首届“讓音樂傳遞愛心。“新春慈善音樂會暨慈善晚宴在市舉行,知名企業家,慈善晚宴主席夏敏代表慈善晚宴主辦方向洛杉磯醫院捐贈當天學生籌款,展現孩子們的慈善愛心。莫斯科音樂學校校長王立,學生家長代表鄒青等近两百人出席活動音樂是無國界的,莫斯科音樂學校主辦這場音樂傳遞愛心,新春慈善音樂會,旨在讓海外華裔青少年向美國主流社會傳遞愛心,從而提高演奏水準,并獲得道德修養足够長進。該校多才多藝的優秀學生代表Nicole Lam王持了慈善音樂會夏敏主席致詞表示,音樂是靈魂的翅膀,孩子們刻苦彈琴,努力學習辛勤演奏,爲學校健康發展打開全新局面,孩子們學習音樂所取得的優異成績,是父母的驕傲,也是學校的榮耀孩子們向世界傳遞愛心,以特有方式,讓慈悲之心紮根,讓美善之德高揚。我衷心希望新春慈善音樂會能成爲海外華人向美國社會傳遞愛心的平臺,這個平臺在各方大力支持下,能長久繁榮,逐步發展成一個文化盛事,打造成美西華人一張音樂和愛心名片,我也將持續支持這個平臺持續向前發展王立校長致詞表示,今天新春慈善音樂會上,莫斯科音樂學校學生Zhenghua Xia,Nicole Lam,Austin Qiu等32位小鋼琴家現場彈奏表演,凸顯學校13年來在鋼琴教學上所取得的顯著成績。愛,名譽,自尊,才學,奮鬥......巳成學校關鍵詞,這從一個側面生動折射出學校最大的亮點與收獲。去年,莫斯科音樂學校繳出一張漂亮成績單,James Qian考入皮博迪音樂學院; Phyllis Pan被伊斯曼音樂學院錄取; Claire Lin以優異成績進入布朗大學; Sherry Xu踏入耶魯大學,莫斯科音樂學校成為進入名校的”搖籃“2015年,莫斯科音樂學校突破教學瓶頸,進入一個新的轉折點,學校開創新局面。王立校長帶領學校老師,與歐洲著名樂團展開合作,組織學生們參加樂團演出,包括高水平的協奏曲大師班及各種音樂會,孩子們還赴捷克,羅馬尼亞和维也納等國家和地區參觀訪問,吸納豐厚文化養料。學校還邀請著名音樂家來校講學,其中不凡世界名家。但昭義教授是世界著名青年鋼琴家李雲迪的老師;老柴小提比賽第二名獲獎者Bochekova教授;研究肖邦音樂權威Edward教授等,學生學業突飛猛進,獲益非淺莫斯科音樂學校擁有實力強大的師資隊伍,是培養尖子小鋼琴家的基地。在新的一年裡,王立校長將帶領全校師生大展宏圖,進一步發揚慈善與愛心精神,在鋼琴教學上開創新局,走入鋼琴音樂的新天地。
December 18, 2017
1. 1/28/2018 Organization of "Love through Music" Charity Concert; all funds were donated to Children's Hospital Los Angeles .
2. 7/7/2018 and 7/8/2018 Golden Note Youth Music Festival in collaboration with US National TV and Azusa Pacific University. For more information, please visit: www.goldennotefestival.org