Class Schedule

We open 7 days/week. Please call (626)348-2080


Each student must pay for recital fee.
Each student allowed for 3-4 minutes for recital.

Technique & Sight Reading Test

Student who does not participate NEED parent's signature.
Student who registers for the CM Test does not need to participate.
Use all CM Test Material (i.e. Czerny -Speed Material)
Only test on Scales, Arpeggio and Czerny Etude.
Level 1 test for students who study one year piano, Level 3 test for student who study two years piano, Level 5 test for students who study more than three or four years and so on.


We take part in AFAF,San Jose International Russian, L.A Young Musician Competition International,SYMF,European,Russian and China competition.


We take part in MTAC's CM test,Royal School and China System test.