*Europe Performance Tour 2019
Description 讲解莫斯科音乐学校于6月14至24在匈牙利的布达佩斯及奥地利的维也纳金色大厅及海顿宫殿参加大师班並举办了非常成功的独奏及协奏曲音乐会义演,并参观了着名的欧洲地标,例如:遊览匈牙利多恼河 (当年的国王用30万金币打造的皇宫),海顿宫殿 (当年大作曲家海顿给国王服务的宫殿)、以及斯特劳斯公园。 与自闲症合唱团联合演出並捐款,让学生们了解並帮助了别人的痛苦,也分享了爱心和音乐无国界的崇高。学生们除了学到知识增长了见识及演奏经验 更重要的是学会了帮助别人的愛心。
From June 14 to 24, students at Moscow Music School had a very successful performance tour in Budapest, Hungary, and Vienna. As young as 5 years old, students performed concerto and solo concerts in Golden Hall (Brahms) Vienna, Haydn Hall Schloss Esterhazy, etc. In Europe, students had the opportunity to visit famous European landmarks, such as: the Danube Palace of Hungary, Schloss Esterházy, and Strauss Garden. One highlight included a fundraising performance with the Vienna Autistic Choir, which taught the students that music has no borders, and can unite all. The students not only gained knowledge and performance experience, but also learned the importance of sharing love through music.
Parent Reviews 家长评论1. "我觉得此次欧演加入义演和慰问 使得此行变得意义深刻 因在使我们小朋友得到更多的演奏经验和享受美好生活的同时 又去帮助了弱势群体 也看到了病童的不幸 这善行的种子 终归有一天会发芽成长的。我在自闭症合唱团的后台见到那漂亮男孩的妈妈 对儿子又抱又亲 儿子乐开了花 我深受感动 这母爱自然又温暖 我对她说“你儿子很帅 笑起来很漂亮....”她好高兴地与我聊 说我们的学生演奏的如何好 祝贺我们.....回洛几天 这反而成了我此行最感动的瞬间之一 还是基督说的对:施比受更有福" 1. (translation) "I believe that this Europe performance and visit has significant meaning. Whilst our children gained so much performance experience and enjoyed traveling, they spread their love to the underprivileged and these seeds of love have been planted within their hearts and will continue to sprout. During our fundraiser concert for the autistic community, I saw a beautiful child and his mother sharing an intimate mother-son moment. And seeing his smile, I was moved deeply; I saw a mother's natural loving kindness. I said to his mother 'Your son is so beautiful, especially when he's smiling....," and she told me that the students performed exquisitely as she congratulated us. Coming back to Los Angeles, I realize that that very conversation was the most moving moment of our trip."
2. "慈善演出和捐款活动对孩子们的帮助是特别的重要展现出来孩子们从小就有爱心,有付出,有担当的责任。" 2. (translation) "These charity concerts and fundraising concerts are essential to helping our children understand the importance of having love, dedication, and responsibility from a young age."
3. "...孩子们在这宝贵和难得的十天中增长了见识、得到了历练,种植了爱心、收获了成功。我想这将是他们生命中一段难忘的经历,看到孩子们的成长和提高,做为家长我感到由衷的欣慰!我相信以此为起点,孩子们一定能够在未来的岁月里、在人生的大舞台上继续奏响最绚丽的篇章!" 3. (translation) "...On this memorable ten-day trip, our children gained knowledge, experience, planted a seed of love, felt accomplishment, and so much more. I believe this experience will forever be etched in their lives. Seeing our children grow up, we as parents are so touched by their accomplishments. I believe this is only the start; in our children's future years, they will continue to grow as a performer and share classical music!"
4. "这世界上凡是拿钱买不到的就比金钱还宝贵 像是这热烈的掌声" 4. (translation) "In this world, there are things that are more valuable then money, such as the applause from the audience during these performances."
(Pictures on home page) |